

Bespoke, simple & compliant...

... are some of the words we use to describe our excellent corporate accommodation booking solution.

As an international booking agency with no allegiance to any hotel group or property type, giving you a whole world of choice!   Our centralised and scalable solutions aim to optimise accommodation procurement, save time, reduce costs and improve compliance to policy. 


Rate Procurement

Our approach to finding the right rate for requirement, wherever it may be is quite unique.  Through research of every available opportunity, direct booking, online providers, GDS Galileo and industry wholesalers, we can guarantee that we will never leave a stone unturned.  In addition to these channels, additional rate opportunities are created through the implementation and management of a preferred rate programme, unique to your requirements.

Online rates can often appear cheaper, however the terms and conditions connected to these rates can be restrictive to the corporate market.  Additionally, they will require credit card guarantees or full pre-payment and often be non refundable and non changeable and as a result lose their attraction.  We use these rates to benchmark our negotiations to ensure that we always deliver the most competitive available rate at the time of booking.